since 1998

Rehabilitate and re-access credit

Are you reported as a bad payer in the Central Mortgage Banks?
Banks and finance companies won’t give you a mortgage, loan, overdraft, credit card or lease?
Do you know that 5-minute instant CRIF viewings do not exist and are a scam?
Do you know that doing only Crif visura is useless?
Do you know that database deletions ARE NOT A RIGHT as many would have you believe but an option offered by law?
Do you know that thanks to 30 years of experience STUDIO UCP has discovered the loopholes in the law that allow us to delete over 95% of bad payer reports? TO BECOME FUNDABLE AGAIN RELY ON THOSE WHO INVENTED REHABILITATION

Pacchetti Visure Centrali Rischi

4.9 – 13,424 votes

the #1 best-selling

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Get a complete overview of your credit situation!

Learn about our comprehensive packages:

50,00 250,00 

Rehabilitate and re-access credit

Are you reported as a bad payer in the Central Mortgage Banks?
Banks and finance companies won’t give you a mortgage, loan, overdraft, credit card or lease?
Do you know that 5-minute instant CRIF viewings do not exist and are a scam?
Do you know that doing only Crif visura is useless?
Do you know that database deletions ARE NOT A RIGHT as many would have you believe but an option offered by law?
Do you know that thanks to 30 years of experience STUDIO UCP has discovered the loopholes in the law that allow us to delete over 95% of bad payer reports? TO BECOME FUNDABLE AGAIN RELY ON THOSE WHO INVENTED REHABILITATION

50,00 250,00 

Immediate Availability

The advantages of relying on UCP

To cancel the bad payer report and rehabilitate financially

Since 1998, our firm has been clearing the names of bad payers from the Central Credit Reports, enabling you to gain access to bank and financial credit again.

We are the only firm in Italy that has been operating for more than 25 years and deals with complete online viewings, appeals and cancellations in all Private Risk Centers, including the famous CRIF.

Learn about our Visure packages

Visure Package

Fill out the form and buy now
50 one-off
  • Professional telephone consulting; CRIF Visura; CTC Visura; EXPERIAN Visura; Bank of Italy Visura; CAI Visura; Protest Visura

Visure Package

Fill out the form and buy now
Ideal for individual/consumer
100 one-off
  • Professional telephone consultation; CRIF Visura; CTC Visura; EXPERIAN Visura; Bank of Italy Visura; CAI Visura ; Protest Visura; Professional telephone consultation; Assilea Visura; CERVED Visura Persona Fisica

Visures Package

Fill out the form and buy now
Ideal for sole proprietor/professional firm
150 one-off
  • Professional telephone consultation; CRIF Visura; CTC Visura; EXPERIAN Visura; Bank of Italy Visura; CAI Visura ; Protest Visura; Professional telephone consultation; Assilea Visura; CERVED Visura Persona Fisica; Bankruptcy, Mortgage and Foreclosure Visura; Prejudicial Visura in Conservatoria
best seller

Visures Package
Business Plus

Fill out the form and buy now
Ideal for company
250 one-off
  • Professional telephone consultation; CRIF Visura; CTC Visura; EXPERIAN Visura; Bank of Italy Visura; CAI Visura ; Protest Visura; Professional telephone consultation; Assilea Visura; CERVED Persona Giuridica Visura; Bankruptcy, Mortgage and Foreclosure Visura; Prejudicial Visura in Conservatoria ; Visura Agenzia delle Entrate ; Tax Collection Agency Visura; Tax Collection File Verification
More Complete

We answer your questions

No, it is a scam; visas are obtained through legal procedures that can also be technically complex, and in any case not sooner than 15 days.

Certainly,you can send us the visas that are already in your possession and we can go from there to solve your problem and rehabilitate your credit.

“By law” the risk centers will respond in about 15 days.

We are 100% sure that we will understand your real situation and find the solution. The viewings are like the doctor’s analysis, only with the analysis can the doctor solve the problem!We have been specializing for over 25 years, we have over 40000 clients cleared, hundreds of requests per day, thousands of cases solved. After the viewings we will know the real situation and be sure how to solve it.

Absolutely not, you can proceed whether the loan is still outstanding or no longer paid off, or sold or carried at a loss.

To be eligible for our service, you must be 18 years of age or older and have suffered a bad payer report.
In addition, we will carefully assess your financial situation to determine the feasibility of cancellation.

It is obvious that Crif and CTC cannot say that most of the reports are illegitimate and therefore can be cancelled by a legal procedure.
But if cancellations were impossible, how could we charge our clients on successful outcome or contractually provide the “cancel or refund” guarantee clause?
We would waste time and, more importantly, lose a lot of money since the cost of cancellation is advanced by the UCP firm.
Moreover, to say that cancellations are impossible is to disavow thousands of judgments obtained since 1998 by our firm precisely against databases.

Because they often want to sell you some other product or service, such as transfer of V, or offer you debt relief etc….
We are glad that still many people have not figured out how to do cancellations.

Absolutely untrue, rehabilitation is not a right but a possibility offered by the current legislation that can be obtained only through often complex legal procedures of which you need to know every single technicality.Only by relying on real professionals with more than twenty years of experience can you solve your problems.

Yes, deletion of a bad payer report is a legal action.
The UCP firm operates within current regulations and uses legal strategies to obtain deletion of bad data.

Certainly, but it would do you no good since bad payer reports can be found in other databases as well.

We will proceed with a Technical Legal Analysis, draft a Feasibility Opinion in black and white, send you a written Estimate, obtain your Rehabilitation, cancellation and/or settlement, and/or cancellation of your debt

After the deletion of the report, your bad payer status will be removed from the records of the Financial Risk Centers.
This will enable you to rehabilitate yourself financially and gain access to new credit opportunities.

Part of the rehabilitation process is out-of-court, and therefore it would be in the abstract possible to go through part of the write-off process on your own, but since the most effective processes are judicial, and banks/financial institutions/risk centers mostly fear legal acts and the bad publicity of related judgments, it is advisable to rely on experienced professionals such as the UCP firm.
Our in-depth knowledge of financial laws and regulations enables us to offer customized solutions and exponentially increase the likelihood of success.

No down payment for cancellation, payment upon achievement, in installments, first installment after 90 days, with “cancel or refund” guarantee clause.
This means that if we fail to cancel the bad payer report, you owe us nothing.

You can call or Whatsapp message us we are available to you Monday through Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. all day, or fill out the contact form We will be happy to provide you with personalized advice and answer all your questions.

Service costs depend on the complexity of the case and the type of report to be deleted.
We offer customized and transparent quotes, so you can assess the costs before starting the deletion process.
90% of cases are resolved with viewings and only 10% cases need rehabilitation; therefore, you do not pay anything beyond the viewings.
It is possible to pay in installments, we provide result guarantee and the cancellation or refund formula, can even pay upon cancellation obtained

Yes, deleting a bad payer report removes the negative element from your credit history.
This positively affects your evaluation by banks and finance companies, opening up new opportunities to access credit.

We guarantee that after cancellation no one can dispute that you are a bad payer!
Of course, obtaining financing also depends on other factors such as income, employment and repayment capacity, seniority etc, etc.

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