Unique in Italy to offer you ZERO DEPOSIT formula:
1st installment 90 days after cancellation - 100% Guarantee - Cancellation or Refund - 30 years experience

The Services

Central Credit Card Visas for Bad Payers

Bad payer central risk viewings are documents that provide detailed information on an individual’s or entity’s credit history, highlighting any bad payer reports with the risk centers.

Cancellation of Bad Payer Risk Centers

Deletion from the central risk bad payers is a legal process that allows an individual or legal entity to remove bad payer reports in the databases of the risk centers.

Cancellation of Mortgages and Foreclosures

The cancellation of mortgages and foreclosures is a legal process that allows highly prejudicial reports such as judicial or legal mortgages, foreclosures, seizures and confiscations to be removed from the risk centers.

Cancellation of protests

The cancellation of protests is a legal process by which any protests of bills of exchange checks or drafts are removed from public records and risk centers.

Bankruptcy Cancellation

Bankruptcy write-off is a legal process to remove bankruptcy reports from risk centers and regain solvency status.

Bank debt transactions

These are out-of-court agreements between a bank/financial institution and a client that allow debts to be lowered or even canceled altogether.

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